Cell Fuel.

Every cell in the human body contains protein, including egg and sperm cells. I’m sure you’ve all heard the phrase, '“proteins are the building blocks of life”.

Your body uses proteins to make hormones, repair cells and also make new ones. Growth and development is vital in conception and pregnancy so getting good quality protein into your daily meals is important for fertility health.

Adding high-quality protein into your diet is a great way to power up your fertility. That doesn’t mean only eating protein and cutting the carbohydrates though. Studies have shown that eating too much protein my have a negative effect on fertility.

Long-term studies have found that eating more protein from plants and less from animals has been shown to have a positive impact on fertility.

If you’re inclined to eat lots of carbohydrates and not much protein, then have a think about where you can add in more beans, legumes, wholegrains, nuts and seeds into your meals and snacks.


Broad Bean Chickpea Penne.


Courgette Flowers Stuffed with Macadamia Nut ‘Cheese’.