Fresh is Best.

Antioxidant - a term we're hit with on a regular basis. From antioxidant 'superfoods' and supplements to antioxidant face creams and serums. So, why are they important when it comes to fertility (the antioxidants not the face creams!)?⁠

Antioxidant-rich foods provide protection from cell damage which is of great importance when it comes to the reproductive cells, particularly in older women wanting to conceive. ⁠

Everything from poor food choices, stressful events, living in a polluted city, not exercising and a host of other things can lead to a build-up of free radicals that may cause cell damage. When the balance of free radicals and antioxidants in the body is off this can lead to damage from oxidative stress. ⁠

‘Where are all the antioxidants at?’, I hear you say.

Well, this is where ‘eating a rainbow’ comes into play. All the beautiful colours in foods like blueberries, raspberries, yellow and red peppers, purple and orange carrots, beetroot, tomatoes, etc, have powerful antioxidant properties to help protect your cells from damage both internal and external. The more antioxidants we can pack into our diet then the more we give the body a helping hand to mop up the damage of the toxins we're all exposed to daily. ⁠

In her book Deep Nutrition, Catherine Shanahan M.D. says, 'Every time I give a talk about nutrition, someone in the audience will raise a hand to ask my opinion of the latest antioxidant miracle...And every time, my answer is, "If you want antioxidants, skip the latest fad products and use that money to buy fresh food.'"


Wild Garlic, Walnut, Cavalo Nero & Broccoli Pesto.


Happy Sperm.