Peel Me A Grape.
Or rather don't. Turns out the skins of some fruits and veggies are where a lot of the antioxidants and nutrients are hiding.
Take that grape, for example, the highest amount of antioxidants (resveratrol) are found in the skin.
Apple and pear skins are a great source of insoluble fibre and nutrients. A 1956 study found that vitamin C was higher in the peel of apples. The same study also found vitamin B3 to be higher in the peel of a carrot and a greater amount of vitamin C just under the skin of a tomato.
Hands up who eats a kiwi whole (furry skin and all), that'll be me, hello fibre again and vitamin C.
The Red Kuri squash on one of my previous posts? Keep it's jacket on, delicious!
Step away from the peeler.
(Make sure to give your fruit and veg a good wash before you tuck in.)
Philippe Jeandet, Roger Bessis, Bernard Gautheron Am J Enol Vitic (1991).The Production of Resveratrol (3,5,4'-trihydroxystilbene) by Grape Berries in Different Developmental Stages, 42: 41-46; published ahead of print January 01, 1991
Henshall, J. (1973). Fruit and vegetable products. Proceedings of the Nutrition Society, 32(1), 17-22. doi:10.1079/PNS19730004